On gpt2-chatbot, the new mysterious LLM that beats GPT-4, LLaMa 3 reaching 1M tokens, Copilot Workspace, and more..
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  • Top News: The mysterious gpt2-chatbot

  • 3 Trending Repos: Xtuner, luminal, Deepfacelive

  • 5 Trending Signals

  • Pytorch Tip: Indexing for in-place operations

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Language Models

Mysterious ‘gpt2-chatbot’ Outperforms GPT-4 and Suddenly Disappears


A new AI model named "gpt2-chatbot" appeared without announcement on LMSYS Chatbot Arena. It outperformed OpenAI's GPT-4 and Anthropic's Claude Opus in reasoning, coding, and math tasks, stunning researchers with its skills.


  • Solved an International Math Olympiad problem on first attempt - a competition where only top 4 U.S. high school students qualify annually.
  • Exceeded GPT-4 and Claude Opus benchmarks on complex coding prompts used for model evaluation at AI startups like CodeGen.

  • Demonstrated iterative dialogue capabilities, self-awareness in refining responses, and ability to plan out solution steps.

  • Exhibited rule-breaking behavior and willingness to solve logic puzzles that historically stumped GPT-4.

  • Matched or exceeded GPT-4 performance on ASCII art generation.

Uncertain Origins Spark Speculation

With no official documentation, the model's creator remains unidentified, fueling theories:

  • Potential OpenAI Release: Exhibits similarities to OpenAI models; self-identifies as created by OpenAI; OpenAI CEO Sam Altman cryptically tweeted "I do have a soft spot for gpt2".
  • Independent Group: Some believe an unaffiliated team released it to showcase AI capabilities and generate buzz, similar to GPT-4chan in 2022.

This suggests gpt2-chatbot could be an interim upgrade (GPT-4.5) rather than the full GPT-5.

Community Feedback

AI Breakfast
Most likely explanation for gpt2-chatbot: OpenAI has been working on a more efficient method for fine-tuning language models, and they managed to get GPT-2, a 1.5B parameter model, to perform pretty damn close to GPT-4, which is an order of magnitude larger and more costly to train/run. They’re driving down the cost of operating LLMs by injecting the little models with some fine-tuned steroids. “GPT-5” might have fewer parameters than GPT-4.
Brian Roemmele
I have been testing gpt2-chatbot for a few days. Today it seems to have gotten much more attention. It surpassed all of our ChatGPT-4 benchmarks. Hypothesis: A few of us have concluded it is a form of pre-lobotomized ChatGPT-4 or trained heavily on it.


LMSYS - Now unavailable (could go back online)


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☆ 2320

XTuner is an efficient, flexible and full-featured toolkit for fine-tuning large models. It supports different kinds of fine-tuning (continuous pre-training, instruction fine-tuning, agent fine-tuning) and various training algorithms (QLoRA, LoRA, full parameter).

It also supports pre-training and fine-tuning on almost all GPUs. It offers a high training throughput by automatically dispatching high-performance operators, such as FlashAttention and Triton kernels.



☆ 1180

Luminal, a deep learning library, helps you achieve high performance by compiling everything ahead-of-time. It enables you to build and execute static computation graphs, optimizing performance. With minimalistic architecture and native support for CUDA/Metal APIs, it ensures efficient execution. Tested against Pytorch, it validates correctness. Luminal aims to be the fastest ML framework, achieving speeds of 15-25 tokens per second on M-series Macbooks.

Video Generation


☆ 23197

LLaMA DeepFaceLive is a library that allows to perform face swaps in real time a from computer streaming using a webcam or directly from a video call. 

The repository shows a list of faces the swap can be performed with. It also offers the possibility to train your own face model for better results. 

There is also a Face Animator module in the DeepFaceLive repository that allows to control a static face picture using video or your own face from the camera.

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Language Models

Llama 3-8B reaches 1M token context length on HuggingFace



GitHub unveils Copilot Workspace, an AI-native developer environment


Gen AI

Amazon Q, a generative AI-powered assistant for businesses and developers is now available



A new list of high-quality datasets, tools, and concepts for LLM fine-tuning

⇧ 451 Stars


Matrix multiplications on GPUs run faster when given "predictable" data




Indexing for in-place operations

This technique leverages PyTorch’s capability to perform operations in-place, which can lead to significant memory savings because it avoids creating unnecessary copies of data. It’s particularly beneficial when dealing with large datasets or models where memory is a constraint.

To do so, you can exploit PyTorch's advanced indexing to perform in-place operations directly on slices of tensors, reducing memory footprint and enhancing computation speed, especially during complex data manipulations.

This approach directly manipulates the tensor's data without the need for intermediate tensors or loops, making the code cleaner, faster, and more memory-efficient.

Here's how you can use PyTorch indexing to find and update only the negative values of a tensor:

import torch

x = torch.randn(100100100) # Large tensor with random values

# Use advanced indexing to update the negative values
x[x < 0] += 0.1

print("Updated tensor with updated values in-place.")

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